szombat, február 22, 2025
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Fenntarthatósági témahét - Föld napja FENNTARTHATÓSÁGI TÉMAHÉT - FÖLD NAPJA április 22.   A Föld napja mozgalom egyik jelmondata: „Ki mondta, hogy nem tudod megváltoztatni a világot?”

The summary of the application

Primary school plays an essential role in career choice which is a big challenge for both students and parents. Students need to be provided with stabil basic competences, knowledge and social skills that can be best adapt in society and labour markets. On one hand our students' foreign language communicative skills can be best developd through everyday language use. It is also an important factor that they get to know a new culture through language skills and broaden their horizons.

As the average average of science subjects in our school is the lowest, it is necessary to mix new, innovative, activity-based, experiential teaching methods with traditional methods, effectively incorporating, motivating, online and practical tasks.

As students' social relationships also narrowed during the pandemic, there is a greater need for selfimprovement, and at the same time community-forming cooperative project- or problem-based learning.

Our main objectives include developing students 'communicative skills in foreign languages, creative, cooperative, problem-solving, activity-based education, everyday language use, and strengthening students' cultural sensitivity.

For the teaching of science subjects, we plan the theoretical and practical study of the project-based STEAM and PBE methods, then their adaptation to the teaching process.

In addition to the traditional sources of knowledge, the use of online tools and tasks facilitates the acquisition of knowledge by the alpha generation, so we plan to expand the online tool base used so far and to create and share several digital curricula, entries and reports.

In order to motivate students effectively, it is essential that students are actively involved in the learning process. This presupposes the strengthening of 4C's basic skills in them, as well as the recording of knowledge through experience, which has become essential in today's world, including the labor market.

The necessity of change is obvious to us, so we want good ideas, examples, good practices, new methods to collect, as a result of which we will be creatively able to change in our teaching practice.

The group mobility activity involves students aged 13-14 in storytelling, dramatization, also environmental and digital competences, where they will work with students from other Erasmus + participating schools to improve their communicative skills, also to broaden their cultural horizons.

In the training sessions, colleagues will learn about innovative methods, such as the multiple intelligence method, new digital tools and 4C's model.

During the job shadowing colleagues will see in practice the STEAM method used in the teaching of science subjects in the Spanish partnerschool, as well as the natural sciences taught in the Italian prtnerschool using the Place-Based Education method.

The project will have an impact on both the participants and the school. Participants ’horizons expand, become more open, and have a lifelong experience that inspires other students and colleagues. Colleagues acquire knowledge that enables them to effectively motivate learners, apply innovative learning organization procedures, learner-centered, project- and problem-based teaching methods, as well as develop competencies that provide a sound basis for lifelong learning.and for successful career. Internationality is integrated into the everyday life of the school, new professional relationships are established. In the medium term, the project will strengthen the creation of a new educational program at the institutional level that builds on active student work and has a community-forming power. In the long term, a vision of a European-conscious, prepared, open youth can be hoped for, who will be successful in their studies and work.

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