szombat, február 22, 2025
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Summary of your project

The title of our project is “TEAM- Teaching Everyone to Achieve More - especially students with learning disabilities". Its aim is to initiate our students into active learning process, to create tangible products , to experience real life situations. Their education must be about reality and community.

The teachers develop their students' competences especially the ones' with learning disabilities more easily and more efficiently as they broaden their mind and acquire new methods by a European thinking – emphasising to adopt theoretical knowledge to be practical.

The aim of the project is to get to know the structure of the schools abroad and the principles of teaching as well as to take part in trainings in different European countries.

Our school is a base school so several colleagues are working on adaptable moduls on environmental education, education for practical life and development of competences.

The project has nineteen participants. Eight of them would like to take part in the lessons and workshops of elementary schools in Italy . The other participants would like to join training courses in different European countries. All of them are experienced teachers. It is important for them to train themselves continuously.

After a thorough preparation the participants visit the partner schools where they can obtain an insight in developing activities and also take part in teaching. After returning home they share their experience with the other colleagues and benefit from it on lessons, in out-of school activities or all-school pojects.

The effect of the work is dubious: there is a short term and a long term effect. The short term effect is that we can share our experiences with other colleagues, they can use the new methods with their own students. Developing character and using competences in real life are the long term objectives, requiring time and patience.

The schools hopefully can build a long-lasting partnership with mutual visits, correspondence and friendship between students, supporting them with the tools of modern communication and last but not least strategic partnership as well.

When you're moving towards definite goal, it is important to devote attention to the road. The road, which always shows you the best way to reach the goal and enrich the way. "(P. Coelho)

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