szombat, február 22, 2025
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It is a project called “Totgether –strong and safe” that will last 2 years and involves schools from Denmark, Cyprus, Finland, Hungary, Iceland and Spain. Most of children in this project come from disadvantaged backgrounds and all schools have the same aim in common which is working towards inclusion against bullying, so this is the main reason of the partnership. We have focused on the following objectives:

  • Improve and renew the tools for teachers in children bullying prevention.
  • Help teachers to deal with social problem issues, such as bullying and to face possible children's violent attitudes through enjoyable activities.
  • Provide information on bullying to teachers, families, children and society in general.
  • Sensitize and educate children, teachers, coaches, and all school community members about the need of prevention.
  • Exchange realities regarding the topics in the participating countries.
  • Share experiences and best practices with other teachers, children, parents and other members of the school community.
  • Develop different activities for personal development and skills of the people involved in the project.
  • To encourage in teachers techniques to work in team and to collaborate with other European colleagues looking for innovative ways of teaching.
  • To develop in children the internationalization in order to make them international citizens.
  • To reduce the school dropout rates in the communities involved in the project.
  • To develop the key competences, ITC skills and linguistic competences using ways of teaching and learning focused on children.
  • To improve students’ and teachers’ communication and group working skills.
  • To produce resources that can be used by our schools in the future and for dissemination to other local schools.
  • To compare methods of teaching and learning, values of education, school organization and curriculum in order to look for innovative ways of teaching and learning.
  • To explore commonalities in school life and culture across Europe.
  • To coordinate with local associations, inspection service, teachers training center to develop the project, disseminate and evaluate it.
  • To commemorate the current European Year of cultural heritage.
  • The objectives have been chosen with the main aim of achieving social inclusion, but they will also achieve the social and educational value of European Cultural heritage and support schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and disadvantage.
  • Our main products will be developed to achieve these aims and they will be: a booklet of games to promote inclusion, a packet of activities to use fine arts and prevent bullying in conexion to our cultural heritage, and a manual of strategies for teachers to handle bullying and promote inclusion.

We will focus on children from 10 to 14 years old to work directly on the project but to achieve the objectives we need the participation of the whole school community and all children at schools. All teachers will participate in it in order to develop the materials. We will start to work in a new way with the objective of improving the ways of teaching and learning since very early ages. We will put it into practice since preschool in the close future to increase the quality of education at this level.

This project wants to be innovative by analyzing different ways of teaching and learning towards inclusion to develop the key competences in children, the improving of ICT techniques and linguistic competence.

We will create a Commission in each country and a Main Committee compound of the presidents of every country Commission. They will select people who is going to participate in the mobilities, evaluate the Project at different stages and intervene in case of emergency. They will also control the budget.

Most of children included in this project are students with fewer opportunities and face problems such as geographical, economic or social obstacles and educational difficulties.

We will evaluate each aspect of the project three times a year after every learning and teaching activity. The different Commissions will meet in each country, afterwards, the Presidents of the Commissions that constitute The Main Committee will meet using Skype and they will exchange information through email to release a final report with the evaluation of all items mentioned in the project.

Project results will be disseminated to the entire educational community, both in partner institutions to others who could provide an example in the teaching-learning process.

We will use different media such as eTwinning, Twinspace, European Platform results, the diary of the project in eTwinning, website of the project, local newspapers and local TV channels.

The impact of this project will be a lifelong one and will bring enrichment not only to the children but to the school community as a whole, including staff and parents and the wider community.

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